88 | 류재철 | 위성 소프트웨어: NASA-STD-8739.8B 표준을 활용한 항공우주 소프트웨어 안전성 향상 연구 | 학진등재후보학술지 | 2023-12-31 |
87 | 이성호 | Culry: C/C++ 소스코드 수준 기록-재현 도구 | 전국규모학술지 | 2023-12-20 |
86 | 이성호 | LLVM IR 대상 정적 분석의 요약 값 정제를 위한 조건 분기의 불변식 추출 | 전국규모학술지 | 2023-12-20 |
85 | 고영준 | Increased CD16a (FcγRIIIA) Expression in The Tumor Microenvironment of Atypical Neurofibromatous Neoplasms of Uncertain Biologic Potential May Be Associated with Progression from Neurofibromas to Atypical Neurofibromas | SCIE | 2023-12-17 |
84 | 이규철 | MicroRNA–Gene Association Prediction Method using Deep Learning Models | SCOPUS | 2023-12-11 |
83 | 김경섭 | Improving the Maritime Traffic Evaluation with the Course and Speed Model | SCIE | 2023-12-04 |
82 | 김기일 | Adaptive scheduling for multi-objective resource allocation through multi-criteria decision-making and deep Q-network in wireless body area networks | SCOPUS | 2023-12-01 |
81 | 김기일 | Guest Editorial: Special issue on explainable AI empowered for indoor positioning and indoor navigation | SCIE | 2023-12-01 |
80 | 임성수 | MIGTNet: Metapath Instance-based Graph Transformation Network for heterogeneous graph embedding | SCIE | 2023-12-01 |
79 | 임성수 | 준지도 대조 학습 기법을 활용한 그래프 이상 탐지 | 학진등재학술지 | 2023-12-01 |
78 | 임성수 | mr2vec: Multiple role-based social network embedding | SCIE | 2023-12-01 |
77 | 장경선 | 개인형 이동장치 주행 보조의 도로 분류를 위한 신경망 모델 탐색: 정확도 및 연산 효율성에 대한 비교 연구 | 학진등재학술지 | 2023-12-01 |
76 | 고영준 | Center-Guided Transformer for Panoptic Segmentation | SCIE | 2023-11-27 |
75 | 장경선 | Enhancing Accuracy of Groundwater Level Forecasting with Minimal Computational Complexity Using Temporal Convolutional Network | SCIE | 2023-11-22 |
74 | 고영준 | Joint Appearance and Motion Model With Temporal Transformer for Multiple Object Tracking | SCIE | 2023-11-16 |
73 | 이규철 | miGAP: miRNA-Gene Association Prediction Method Based on Deep Learning Model | SCIE | 2023-11-15 |
72 | 김경섭 | Enhancing Taxonomic Categorization of DNA Sequences with Deep Learning: A Multi-Label Approach | SCIE | 2023-11-08 |
71 | 박정희 | Machine learning-based classification analysis of knowledge worker mental stress | SCIE |
2023-11-07 |
70 | 김기일 | Adaptive Scheduling and Power Control for Multi-Objective Optimization in IEEE 802.15.6 Based Personalized Wireless Body Area Networks |
2023-11-01 |
69 | 이철훈 |
S2MSim: Cycle-Accurate and High-Performance Simulator Based on Multi-Threading for Space Multi-Core Processor
2023-11-01 |
68 | 조승범 | Practical Implementation of Encoding Range Top-2 Queries |
2023-11-01 |
67 | 류재철 | Digital Twin-Based Cyberthreat Defense Solution for Smart City Environment |
2023-10-30 |
66 | 박정희 | EMOS: Enhanced moving object detection and classification via sensor fusion and noise filtering |
2023-10-29 |
65 | 임성수 |
Exploring Cohesive Subgraphs in Hypergraphs: The (k,g)-core Approach |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-10-21 |
64 | 류재철 |
Digital Authentication System in Avatar Using DID and SBT |
2023-10-20 |
63 | 김기일 |
Modeling of AoI Minimization for (m,k)-firm Streams in 5G Networks |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-10-18 |
62 | 양희철 |
Look-Up Table을 이용한 부호화 기반 프라이버시 보장 행렬 곱 기법 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-10-18 |
61 | 김기일 |
An Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol with Reinforcement Learning in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks |
2023-10-13 |
60 | 이규철 |
An Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol with Reinforcement Learning in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks |
2023-10-13 |
59 | 임성수 |
Graph-Based Anomaly Detection of Ship Movements Using CCTV Videos |
2023-10-10 |
58 | 고영준 |
Luminance-aware Color Transform for Multiple Exposure Correction |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-10-02 |
57 | 김기일 |
Enabling Grant-Free URLLC for AoI Minimization in RAN-Coordinated 5G Health Monitoring System |
2023-10-01 |
56 | 김기일 |
Hierarchical localization algorithm for sustainable ocean health in large-scale underwater wireless sensor networks |
2023-09-01 |
55 | 임성수 |
A novel graph-based missing values imputation method for industrial lubricant data |
2023-09-01 |
54 | 장경선 |
Exploration of Key Point Localization Neural Network Architectures for Y-Maze Behavior Test Automation |
2023-09-01 |
53 | 최훈 | Enhancing Indoor Air Quality Estimation: A Spatially Aware Interpolation Scheme |
2023-08-31 |
52 | 최훈 | 메타버스 서비스를 위한 근거리 다중 사용자 상호작용을 지원하는 미들웨어 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-08-31 |
51 | 최훈 |
Data Framework Design of EDISON 2.0 Digital Platform for Convergence Research |
2023-08-31 |
50 | 김기일 |
Design of Fuzzy Logic Based-temperature-aware Routing Protocol |
2023-08-23 |
49 | 김형신 | Pipelining of a Mobile SoC and an External NPU for Accelerating CNN Inference |
2023-08-13 |
48 | 김기일 | Designing S-Box Using Tent-Sine Chaotic System While Combining the Traits of Tent and Sine Map |
2023-08-02 |
47 | 양희철 | Fully private and secure coded matrix multiplication with colluding workers |
2023-08-01 |
46 | 고영준 | deepGBLUP: joint deep learning networks and GBLUP framework for accurate genomic prediction of complex traits in Korean native cattle |
2023-07-31 |
45 | 이규철 |
Distance metric 기반 detailed Negative set을 사용한 원형 RNA와 질병 연관성 예측 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-07-27 |
44 | 박지훈 |
Multi-Object Tracking on SWIR Images for City Surveillance in an Edge-Computing Environment |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-07-13 |
43 | 정상근 |
Semantic Ambiguity Detection in Sentence Classification using Task-Specific Embeddings |
2023-07-11 |
42 | 이성호 |
Declarative static analysis for multilingual programs using CodeQL |
2023-07-01 |
41 | 임성수 |
A framework for environmental production of textile dyeing process using novel exhaustion-rate meter and multi-layer perceptron-based prediction model |
2023-07-01 |
40 | 임성수 |
Effective and efficient core computation in signed networks |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-07-01 |
39 | 조은선 |
MyBatis 개발 생산성 향상을 위한 메타데이터 기반의 타입분석 기법 |
2023-07-01 |
38 | 김기일 |
An optimal algorithm for mmWave 5G wireless networks based on neural network |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-06-23 |
37 | 고영준 |
Local Connectivity-Based Density Estimation for Face Clustering |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-06-18 |
36 | 고영준 |
BAAM: Monocular 3D pose and shape reconstruction with bi-contextual attention module and attention-guided modeling |
2023-06-18 |
35 | 고영준 |
A genome-wide association study for eumelanin pigmentation in chicken plumage using a computer vision approach |
2023-06-01 |
34 | 김영국 |
A genome-wide association study for eumelanin pigmentation in chicken plumage using a computer vision approach |
2023-06-01 |
33 | 양희철 |
Towards 6G Hyper-Connectivity: Vision, Challenges, and Key Enabling Technologies |
2023-06-01 |
32 | 원유재 |
위협인자 및 공격 패턴 기반 HWP 문서형 악성코드 탐지 시그니처 생성 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-06-01 |
31 | 이규철 |
거리 기반 데이터 레이블링을 적용한 lncRNA-질병 연관성 예측 모델 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-05-30 |
30 | 김영국 |
Deep Learning-Based Context-Aware Recommender System Considering Change in Preference |
2023-05-22 |
29 | 이성호 |
Static Analysis of JNI Programs via Binary Decompilation |
2023-05-01 |
28 | 김기일 |
Hybrid HP-BOA: An Optimized Framework for Reliable Storage of Cloud Data Using Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithm |
2023-04-26 |
27 | 김영국 |
저학년 아동 학습지 자동 채점을 위한 딥러닝 기반 한글 손글씨 인식 모델 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-04-26 |
26 | 이규철 |
철저한 대조 학습 방법을 통한 생성적 적대 신경망의 불균형 데이터 생성품질 향상 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-04-20 |
25 | 정상근 |
PatentQ&A: 트랜스포머 모델을 이용한 신경망 검색 시스템 제안 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-04-15 |
24 | 김기일 |
대규모 센서네트워크에서의 트리라우팅 성능평가 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-04-01 |
23 | 김종익 |
Efficient graph edit distance computation using isomorphic vertices |
2023-04-01 |
22 | 박정희 |
소규모 다클래스 양성 데이터 및 레이블이 지정되지 않은 데이터로부터 학습 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-04-01 |
21 | 정상근 |
Interactive User Interface for Dialogue Summarization |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-03-27 |
20 | 박정희 |
Prediction of Peak Pressure by Blast Wave Propagation Between Buildings Using a Conditional 3D Convolutional Neural Network |
2023-03-15 |
19 | 정상근 |
Epoch Score: 정량적 데이터 품질 평가 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-03-15 |
18 | 김기일 |
A New Generalized Logarithmic-X Family of Distributions with Biomedical Data Analysis |
2023-03-13 |
17 | 고영준 |
Video Frame Interpolation Based on Symmetric and Asymmetric Motions |
2023-03-06 |
16 | 조은선 |
Attention-Based Cross-Modal CNN Using Non-Disassembled Files for Malware Classification |
2023-03-06 |
15 | 정상근 |
Controllable Text Generation Using Semantic Control Grammar |
2023-03-03 |
14 | 고영준 |
The Interpolation Method of Electricity Consumption Data by Business Using LSTM and GRU |
2023-03-01 |
13 | 양희철 |
Straggler-Exploiting Fully Private Distributed Matrix Multiplication With Chebyshev Polynomials |
2023-03-01 |
12 | 이성호 |
EnterRPA: Open-Source Robotic Process Automation for Enterprise |
2023-03-01 |
11 | 이규철 |
이미지 이어붙이기를 이용한 인간-객체 상호작용 탐지 데이터 증강 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-02-28 |
10 | 장진수 |
MyTEE: Own the Trusted Execution Environment on Embedded Devices |
CS(ComputerScience)분야 우수국제학술대회발표논문 |
2023-02-27 |
9 | 김경섭 |
A Comprehensive Review of Conventional, Machine Leaning, and Deep Learning Models for Groundwater Level (GWL) Forecasting |
2023-02-20 |
8 | 양희철 |
행렬 곱 연산을 위한 분산 부호화 컴퓨팅에서 집단 검증 기반의 악의적 공격 탐지 기법 |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-02-17 |
7 | 김경섭 |
An Efficient Feature Augmentation and LSTM-Based Method to Predict Maritime Traffic Conditions |
2023-02-16 |
6 | 류재철 |
블록체인에서 안전한 다자간 서명이 가능한 DID 인증 기법 |
2023-02-15 |
5 | 김경섭 |
A Study on Grid-Cell-Type Maritime Traffic Distribution Analysis Based on AIS Data for Establishing a Coastal Maritime Transportation Network |
학진등재학술지 |
2023-02-05 |
4 | 장경선 |
Deep learning-based diagnosis of feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
2023-02-02 |
3 | 조승범 |
Compact representation of interval graphs and circular-arc graphs of bounded degree and chromatic number |
2023-01-04 |
2 | 김기일 |
An Enhanced Tree Routing Based on Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks |
2023-01-03 |
1 | 박정희 |
2023-01-02 |